Call verysuper cheap using your smartphone

Why call using an Android phone/Iphone/Ipad over WIFI or 4/5G?

Ease of use

You only need a WIFI connection. At home, at the office, at a restaurant or bar, or in the street (using e.g. FON), it will work anywhere in the world.


Possibility to show your mobile number while making outbound calls.

Low rates

Make and receive calls on your device at very low rates. Much lower than your current mobile rates.


Choose between WIFI and mobile internet to make calls.

Activate in 4 easyquick steps

First Step

Register and create a free account
Register Now!

Second Step

Add your current (mobile) number as an external outbound number (in the phone numbers menu).

Third Step

Download the Zoiper app for Android or for iPhone/iPad.


Fourth step

Start the Zoiper app, select ‘VoipTiger’ as your provider and use your SIP account and the corresponding password
to register your SIP account.